My Story
In the Fall of 2007, a friend of mine from out of state was visiting and brought her Scentsy wax testers to a Girl’s Night Out that we were having. She had just signed up to sell Scentsy to help bring in some income while she and her husband went away for Dental school. I remember smelling my very first scent and I couldn’t stop. All of our friends sat around reminiscing about our fondest memories that the scents brought back for us. I had just become a mother in 2006 and knew that lighting candles in my home wouldn’t be an option, due to all of the dangers associated with it. This was one of the reasons I fell in love with the Scentsy system, no flame, no soot, and if my son touched or ingested the wax while warming, he would be just fine. I finally decided on the scents I would purchase, although it was a tough decision, and bought a warmer my sister for Christmas (she was a candle addict at the time) and one for myself. Once the gift was given, I knew I couldn’t stop there. Friends and family wanted to know more about Scentsy and where to find it, including myself because the friend that introduced Scentsy to me lived so far away. I had the brilliant idea to start selling Scentsy, so I could support my habit and the habits of those around me. I didn’t know at the time how much that $99 decision would change my life.
Scentsy became a hobby over the next couple of years that brought in income on the side. I was even able to take time off from Scentsy to have my next child in June of 2009. After having my 2nd child, I continued to work full-time and raised my two beautiful boys, Tristan and McKai, along with my wonderful and supportive husband, Todd. Someday I hoped that I would be able to quit my full-time job and be able to stay home with my boys.
Until everything changed in May 2010, when my husband’s company that he had worked 8 years for, was bought out by another company and he lost his job.
Not long after losing his job, my husband was injured in a car accident by a distracted driver and hit again by a driver under the influence. He would undergo a series of spinal procedures, along with severe pain and the inability to work, later finding out that he would soon require two additional spinal fusions. He wanted to work and did all that he could, but couldn’t go out into the workforce, at least throughout the next few months. We realized at that point we needed to somehow bring in more income, even with my husband injured, and if we wanted to keep our house, we needed to do so quickly. While searching and hoping that something would come up, it took me a little while to realize that the answer was staring me straight in the face. The opportunity that I had once looked at as a hobby and way to make my house smell divine: Scentsy was my answer.
I had made it to a level of Director off and on, by working at it a little on the side and doing parties here and there in between work, kids, and medical visits with my husband. I came to realize that my husband could help me at home, and he was always happy to help. We then changed our way of thinking. We took what we already knew in Scentsy and reworked it a little so that we could utilize Scentsy to pay the cost of living and medical bills that kept coming our way. My family (including my little boys) helped me receive orders, sort them, and even helped me label them. I can’t claim that everything was always done exactly the way I wanted it to be done, but I had extra help, and somehow we always got the work done (even if the labels may have been crooked and I had to go back and fix them from time to time)!
I’m happy to say that my husband went back to work in May 2011 (nearly one year later) and even though my business changed during this time in my life, and may change again in the future, our family is forever grateful that I smelled that first scent in the Fall of 2007.
In June 2012, my husband and I traveled to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic as an all expenses paid incentive trip that we earned with Scentsy. This was a much needed trip that we LOVED! We also earned a trip to Hawaii in 2013, but decided to opt out because in August of 2013, we had a beautiful baby girl, Raven, who has completed our family. We were able to travel to Cancun, Mexico in January 2015 for the Scentsy Leadership retreat, which I also earned. In June of 2015, I traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada and stayed in the MGM for Scentsy Family Reunion, all expenses paid by Scentsy. In January of 2016, we traveled to Florida, then hopped on a cruise ship, through the Caribbean and also made a stop in Cozumel, Mexico. In June of 2016, I was able to take my entire family on an all-expenses paid trip to Disneyworld in Florida, where we stayed at the Beach Club Resort and played all week long in Disneyworld. In June 2017 we chose Dominican Republic again from the following locations: Africa, Dominican Republic, Rome or Australia. And I can officially say that I’ve earned my next all expenses paid trip that will be in June 2018 to one of the following locations: Cruise to the Mediterranean, Cruise to the Caribbean, Disneyland & Scentsy Family Reunion trip to Anaheim or a cash prize of $5000. What should I pick? What would you pick? Come be a part of my team and travel with me!!!
I am SO thankful for the $99 I spent on my business back in 2008 and I’m looking forward to many more opportunities that will come and trips in the future!